
With Self-Upload we simplify ocean freight, one upload at a time.

Ever imagined seeing your freight rates live on the Okargo platform without the wait or cost of integration? Now you can, with our revolutionary Self-Upload feature! 
This tool puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to manage your freight rates directly and efficiently. 
Our intuitive template guides you through the upload process, flawlessly capturing every detail, while built-in mistake checks ensure your rates align perfectly with your needs.

  • Specify the type of rate sheet to be integrated
    Identify which rate sheet you need to integrate, ensuring a seamless upload process.
  • Fill out the auto-generated rate form
    Our system automatically generates a rate form for you to fill out, making the process straightforward and user-friendly.
  • Upload your document
    Easily upload your rate sheet document to the Okargo platform with just a few clicks.
  • Undergo automated checks
    Benefit from our automated verification checks that ensure accuracy and consistency in your uploaded rates.
  • View your rates on Okargo
    Instantly see your rates live on Okargo, enabling efficient management and decision-making.

Why delay updates when they can be at your fingertips? 

With Self-Upload, you’re in control, ensuring your freight management is as timely as it is efficient. 

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